Thank you for your support!
You can give a monetary donation by using the "Donate" button at the top of the page, or if you prefer to send a check, please mail it to: Raising Readers in Wyoming, PO Box 21856, Cheyenne, WY 82003. You may also give a gift in someone's name and we will send them notification of your gift.
Other ways of giving:
We are blessed to have donors who give services in-kind. If you would like to volunteer your services, please contact our Executive Director, Sydne Ryan, at
Raising Readers in Wyoming is in the process of creating an Endowment fund which will be held at the Wyoming Community Foundation. Supporting the Endowment will allow your gift to impact children for years to come.
Choose Raising Readers in Wyoming as your organization when you shop using Amazon smile at:
You are in good company when you donate to Raising Readers in Wyoming!
Thanks to our 2024-2025 major funders:
Partnership Level ($15,000 and Over)
Ellbogen Foundation
Platinum Page Turners ($10,000 and over)
Maury and Bonnie Brown Foundation
Wyoming Community Foundation
Golden Bookworms ($5,000- 9,999)
Kiwanis Club of Cheyenne
The McMurry Foundation
Silver Storytellers ($2,000 to $4,999)
PureWest Resources
Madsen Construction
Bronze Booklovers ($1,000 to $1,999)
Mill Ironworks
Classic Contributors
Gabriel Herrera
Thank you to those who supported the Give 5 Campaign!
Torrington Vision Clinic